Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Truth about Mineral Oil in Skincare.

One of my pet hates in modern day skincare is the overuse of mineral oil, it is used in SO many products on the market. Even the most expensive, luxe brands use it as a primary ingredient. Why you may ask? What therapeutic properties does it have? The answer is none. Most cosmetic companies use it because it is very, very cheap.
The Environmental Working Group explain that Mineral oil is a derivative of petroleum (crude oil) and was predominantly used as a mechanical lubricant. It contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) that are carcinogenic. It essentially acts as a plastic film on your skin, stopping the skin from breathing and functioning normally. By effecting the skin's functionality mineral oil causes the skin to age prematurely.

Examples of famous skincare brands that use Mineral Oil.

1.) Johnson's baby oil.
2.) Creme De La Mer.
3.) Vaseline.
4.) Clarins, Shu Uemura, Clinique, Elizabeth Arden.

5.) Nivea.


  1. This will be an eye opener for some. We specifically use natural and organic ingredients - one of the reasons Vogue Magazine feature us and our products - check our range and look after your skin properly with Arabelle Skinsense

    1. Thanks for your comments, I know, I am always shocked when I discover more and more horrible ingredients used in modern day skincare. I think products certified by Eco Cert or the Soil Association are the best way to go... Will check out Arabelle Skinsense. Thanks

  2. Arabelle Skinsense Couldn't have said it better - Our Ethos to skin care is:

    The natural skincare products made at Arabelle Skin Sense is to help you look after your skin and improve it in the most natural way; which we believe is the best way.
    Approximately 70% of anything you put on your skin ends up in your blood stream; with that knowledge, wouldn’t you rather have cocoa butter, Shea butter, mango butter or plant oils on your skin than something artificially created in a lab? Food for thought…

  3. Yet another example of how big companies use marketing to trick us into thinking we're doing ourselves good. Shame on you!!!

    PS nice article, thanks for the info!

  4. Thanks for your comment. I totally agree, they just want to manufacture products for the cheapest possible price, with little regard for their consumers' health and wellbeing or for that matter the world at large.

  5. And another plus for the manufacturers is the petroleum companies actually pay the skincare companies to take the mineral oils away from them so its a win win for them.

  6. It's so unethical isn't it... Sometimes I wonder how they get away with it...

    1. They get away with it because we let them.

  7. Thanks a lot guys you have done the great job, this post is very good.

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